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There are groups around a variety of topics and interests where you can find inspiration or gain knowledge

You are able to follow other creators to see additions to their stores and to their MyMates feed

Create your own group where you help steer the conversation and focus on the things that are important to you

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Frequently Asked Questions

You do not have to be a DesignMate+ subscriber to join the MyMates community. It is a free platform for all members of the Sawgrass Exchange.

MyMates is open to anyone with a DesignMate login.  This is a free social media community built into the Sawgrass Exchange. You can join groups to get tips and tricks and share your ideas with fellow sublimators. Through your personal feed, you can share your projects and connect with other users. You will be able to attend live sessions from Sawgrass and other users, plus host your own! There will also be the ability to connect one-on-one with fellow MyMates members through our chat function.

There are no restrictions on who can create a group. We would suggest that you only create a group if you have the time to moderate it and add content. Otherwise, anyone can create a group!

You’ll see your posts and any comments that have been added. You’ll also see posts that have been made in any groups that you have joined.

In MyMates, you should share and post anything that you think would be interested to others in the Sublimation Community. You can share designs you’ve created, questions you may have, or even ask for feedback from other users.


Join your fellow creators on MyMates! Connect with creators like yourself for expert guidance, resources, and support, as well as the opportunity to showcase your work, gain inspiration, and connect with potential customers.