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A Chat With Our Featured Artist: Fernanda Melo Stark

Fernanda Melo Start has created some of our favorite DesignMate+ art over the last few years. We sat down with her to learn more about her art journey and what is important to her as a female artist.

Written by Sawgrass
on March 7, 2024
in Design & Make

This month, we are excited to feature one of our favorite DesignMate+ artists, Fernanda Melo Start (aka Fe Melo).  Over the last couple of years, she has created some of our favorite designs including our Graduation Girls and some of our travel collection.  Check out all of Fernanda’s art in DesignMate and learn more about her here in our interview!

Where did you grow up, and how did it influence your art?  

I grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil which is a pretty big metropoly and it’s super diverse full of immigrants, the city has no beach like rio, so people end up doing lots of cultural programs  it was nice cuz you always have art exhibitions coming through and lots of local museums and galleries,  also the city is covered in graffiti and street art so I think that definitely influenced me with i more pop urban style.

Who inspired your love of art?

I think it all started with a mix of influences. When I was a kid, my art teacher played a huge role. They showed me how to be creative even when resources were tight, which really stuck with me. Working with limited materials forced me to think outside the box. Plus, my mom was super supportive. She noticed my interest early on and constantly fueled my passion by getting me cool art supplies and books. It was her encouragement that kept me going.

How did you discover your talent for design?

So in university, I started off in fashion design. But I soon realized my true passion lay in graphic projects – you know, stuff like visual identity, prints, and illustrations. I found myself more at ease and in my element working on these graphic elements rather than designing clothes. So, I kind of naturally shifted towards graphic design and illustration as I went along.

How did you get started as an artist?

When I began my journey in graphic design, I quickly realized I wanted to add my own artistic touch into my projects. So, naturally, I started incorporating more illustrations and surface pattern designs. Surprisingly, the more I did, the more inquiries I received for these specific services. It’s funny, because ever since I was a kid, I’ve been passionate about art, but I never thought it could become a viable career path.

What would we find you listening/watching while creating?  

Music and podcasts are huge for me. I’ve got quite an eclectic taste in music – it kinda depends on what I’m working on. I like tunes that vibe with the mood of my project, nothing too chaotic. Some of my go-to artists are Belle and Sebastian, Harry Styles, Queen, Beirut, Frank Sinatra, and of course some Brazilian music like O Terno, Caetano Veloso, Tim Maia, and Marisa Monte. When it comes to podcasts, I’m all about the creative ones like The Handsome Frank one and Design Matters. It’s great getting insights from other creatives while I’m working.

Any tips for breaking through a creative block?

Absolutely, for me having multiple personal projects going on simultaneously can be really beneficial. Right now, I’ve got three self-initiated projects in the works: a website aimed at helping beginners, an illustrated cookbook featuring my family recipes, and I’m also applying to participate in an art exhibition. It keeps things interesting and allows me to explore different creative avenues at once and when I feel I’m a little stuck and move on to the next one and then when I come back later things usually flow better.

How have you built confidence over the course of your career? 

Well, building confidence for me hasn’t been a linear journey. There are definitely moments where I struggle with imposter syndrome, you know? But I’ve learned to push through by asking myself, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ I figure failing at something is better than never giving it a shot. Still, it can be tough sometimes, especially when you’re surrounded by so many incredibly talented people out there.

Where do you find inspiration for your art? 

I find inspiration pretty much everywhere, both online and offline. I love the visuals of everyday life – whether it’s street signs, packaging, or just observing people around me. It’s amazing how much inspiration you can gather from the world around you!

What’s a piece of advice you would give young women creators looking to pursue a career in the arts?

For young women creators looking to pursue a career in the arts, my advice would be to dive deep into curiosity. Try out different workshops, experiment with various mediums, and immerse yourself in art history to understand different movements. Avoid looking for shortcuts because this journey is as much about personal growth as it is about your career. Remember, no amount of AI or technology can replace the fulfillment you’ll find in your own creativity and exploration.

Who inspires the collection you’ve designed this month?

The collection I’ve designed this month is all about celebrating women. I’m really into drawing women and capturing people in unexpected movements. So, for this collection, I wanted to showcase static figures in lively, dynamic dances. It’s all about bringing a sense of movement and rhythm to my art while highlighting the beauty and strength of women.

Why is it important to celebrate women creators?

Celebrating women creators is crucial because women make up a significant portion of the population and their voices deserve recognition. I believe women are incredibly strong and powerful, juggling responsibilities like home, children, and work with remarkable resilience. Throughout history, the male perspective has often dominated the narrative, leaving out the diverse experiences and viewpoints of women. It’s essential to acknowledge and celebrate women creators to ensure a more inclusive and accurate representation of the world. By opening up space for women’s voices and others, we enrich conversations and gain a deeper understanding of the human experience.

Thank you for your time today!  If our viewers wanted to see more of your content, where can they find you?

You’re welcome! It was my pleasure. For more of my content, viewers can find me on Instagram @femelostark, on Behance @femelostark, and visit my website They can also check out my profile on and stay tuned for updates on my upcoming website: Thank you for your interest!

Want to use Fe’s designs?  Use code FEMELO to get 30% off your first month of a DesignMate+ subscription.