Almost every area of the Create Your Design panel has a search feature of some type. This will allow you to search that area for specific content.
Let’s look at some ways to make the most of your search and to find what you’re looking for as quickly as possible. If you want to follow along, we’re using an lloz Ceramic Mug and are in the Graphics Library under Elements.

One feature that will speed up your search is the filter feature.
When you click on the funnel, you’ll see the following options:
- Subscription Type
- Collection
Subscription type is helpful if you are wanting to only see artwork that is free or that is upgraded MySawgrass+ content. This content can be recognized by the Diamond Icon you’ll see on it.
Collection is helpful if you’re looking for art from a specific category or style. One very helpful thing to do is to choose multiple categories. For instance, a spring design may benefit from artwork under Spring, Spring Watercolor, Gnomes, or Gardening. This type of search narrows things down, but still gives you a wide range of artwork to choose from.

Tips for a successful search:
- Start with specific keywords that describe the artwork you’re looking for. For example, instead of just searching for “nature,” try more specific terms like “forest,” “mountains,” or “wildlife.”
- Include details about the style (e.g., “minimalist landscape,” “vintage typography”) if you’re looking for a specific aesthetic.
- If you’re not seeing the results you expected, try similar words. For instance, “automobiles” and “cars” could bring back very different results. Even a variant like “autos” could show you something different. It all depends on wording was used as a tag for the artwork.

One area that is slight different is the font search:
- Under the filter, the collections you’ll see are various font types. You can narrow your search by looking specifically at serif (fonts with “feet”) or sans serif (straight with no “feet”). fonts. You’ll also see options like block or script as options.
- In the search itself, you are not limited to font names like you were in our previous platforms. Fonts are tagged as well, so a search for “kid” will result in more childlike fonts. You can even search by decades if you’re doing artwork that has a vintage vibe.
Thanks for following along with us. We hope these tips help you find the elements and artwork you need for the project. Still have questions? Our Care Team will be glad to assist you at care.sawgrassink.com. Please check out all of our educational content and offerings under the Learn menu at sawgrassink.com!